As one might suspect, the ACC condition comes with many doctor visits throughout each year of
her life. She is now 16 years old and has pleasingly grown more than we could have ever expected.
Throughout the years, we have depended on the state of Virginia to help us with medical equipment
to make these trips. It takes more time and effort than one might think. Not only is there a lengthy
approval process, but there is also major planning that goes into each trip.
We have to figure out if we’ll be staying the night or making a trip there and back on the
same day. Overnight stays are just about out of the question due to sleeping arrangements for Abby.
Although her movement is extremely limited, she is very capable of rolling herself out of a bed. We
do not have a proper device to help to prevent this. Not only are there simple things like this, but
there are also the issues of her wheelchair, bathing equipment, and countless other items.
We are limited to the type of vehicle we keep. The equipment is heavy and bulky to the
extent that we have to know how much room we have for the wheelchair in the back and the car
seat in the backseat. The equipment is ridiculously heavy and very cumbersome. As we age, things
become more and more difficult. After years of discussions and wondering how we’ll manage to
meet Abby’s needs, we have decided, instead, to help other families of similar financial backgrounds.
The Abby Shea Project is a non-profit organization with the idea of connecting much needed equipment to families like ours. We are fortunate enough to have friends and family that can donate their time to carry this venture along, but we do not have the funding. With your help, we can begin our process of procuring the means to help others.